Blockchain in Education: 7 Projects to Discover

Education has been a fundamental pillar in our society for many decades now. This year, more than ever, we saw the important advances that technological applications have had on education. The tools that are implemented in the teaching and learning process are wide-ranging and innovative. Blockchain definitely can be considered as one of these innovative and new methods. The first question that might come into your mind is “how blockchain relates to the educational area”? Let’s find!
Blockchain is known as probably one of the most quickly developed and promising industries in the world. With the emergence of Bitcoin back in 2009, it is hard to find some specific niche or area that hasn’t been influenced by Blockchain technologies. Moreover, experts give an auspicious prognosis about Blockchain development and its impact on the educational segment.
“Blockchain and its implementation can become a new page in the development of the educational industry. It will not only change our typical perception of the educational process but completely change the structure and inner system of these processes.”– says Kristin Savage.
In addition, studies are being conducted to evaluate how the education sector can be maximized by blockchain technology applications.
Atienza-Mendes and Gebresenbet Bayyou discuss in their research:
“Educational institutions, especially tertiary institutions, are now eyeing to employ this [blockchain] application to improve teaching and learning activities and promote collaboration among the stakeholders such as students, teachers and parents.”
So, let’s take a look at what platforms are leveraging blockchain in education. The first category we’re going to talk about is learner data tracking. Unfortunately, there is an obvious lack of opportunities to track whether the student receives knowledge along with a necessary learning environment. Learner data tracking tools solve this problem. Moreover, Blockchain does its best to increase the educational progress both for students and teachers.
Cubomania is a blockchain-driven platform that is based on a game. It allows students to create and transfer customized educational content. The program was founded back in 2016 and includes gaming characters called CubboBuddies that play the role of a tool deploying educational programs.
Shikapa is a platform technically created in San Fransisco. However, its main focus area is West Africa, with the main aim of implementing and strengthening local education with innovative blockchain tools. The educational and entrepreneurial goal of SHikapa is to unify the wide-ranging links under one blockchain-driven ecosystem. Chains in this link include students, teachers, governmental and educational institutions, and many more.
What about the decentralized educational marketplaces? These projects can solve the problem of the expensiveness of education. Blockchain is a perfect solution that can help to unify various courses under this system, control the quality, manage pricing, and issue the certificates of the successful completion.
It’s a perfect model of a cost-saving model that is created for the comfort of students and teachers. This university will significantly reduce the cost of the educational process and eliminate bureaucracy at it’s worst.
Jalapeno Inventive is a blockchain-driven platform that has a specificity of learning. It teaches about the one and only subject, and it’s a blockchain. The online courses about blockchain-industry related knowledge allow users to select an interesting niche and gain knowledge instantly.
This online institution is specialized mainly in the English language. However, this platform has announced it’s intent to implement blockchain technology into the processes.
Educational payments and rewards systems are created specifically to ease the payment processes, and it’s the second step in our review. These projects are working on the improvement of the educational system by implementing the cryptocurrencies.
This platform allows users to enhance their skills, knowledge, and abilities with the help of the blockchain industry. The knowledge that is suggested by the company will definitely be useful for the students in the future. Also, it describes the aspects of the global future technological economy.
It’s a Spanish-based company that has the aim of transforming the local education system. Moreover, the student’s get paid for their efforts in learning.
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