The Blockchain Land

Are Women Underrepresented in Blockchain and Crypto?

According to the latest report, cryptocurrency and blockchain industries are male-dominated. A report published this month analyzed the most recent 100 blockchain startups and found interesting insights. It was revealed that the industry employs more men when compared to women, thus showing a gender divide in the sector.

LongHash is a blockchain data and Media Company. It published a report on considering the top 100 blockchain startups and analyzed the number of female employees employed at the executive level and the ones which are working on the board level.

Out of the 1062 employees, it was found that just 14.5% of them were women. Further, only 7% of the blockchain startup executives were women and advisors stood at 8%.

As is evident, women were the least in the top management category, so much that 78 startups out of 100 had no female executives. Further, just one startup had more than one woman taking care of the executive role.

Reason Behind

The scarce population of women in the blockchain industry could be due to various factors, and market supply is one of them. According to a survey conducted in 2017, women constitute just 11% of the developer workforce.

However, different people have different views on the matter. The former blockchain lead at JPMorgan Chase, Amber Baldet, told that women are not sidelined in the blockchain.

Instead, “Women just aren’t being publicly recognized for their work.

Henry Ward, the CEO of Carta, told CNBC that for most young companies, diversity is not the initial focus, but staying alive is.

Well, whatever the reasons for the fewer women count in the blockchain sector than men, it is important that the industry views imbalance as the problem.

To address this situation, it is necessary that the right steps should be taken in the right direction to encourage more women to join the industry.

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