The Blockchain Land

Share Your Story

The land is full of space and we could be exploring more

We’d love to hear your success story, your incredible business mindset, your blockchain two cents, your tech and beyond product! Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Land’s editorial team. We have several assets that could match your needs.

Get the impact that you deserve

  • Want to reach a highly qualitative audience driving the future of tech?
  • Want to advocate for decentralized revolution as a journalist with industry-focused article?
  • Want to share your entrepreneur success story and inspire others?
  • Want to promote an innovative service that is shaking up the crypto business?
  • Want to get online footprint for a blockchain-based project?

Reach a community that matters

The perfect media outlet to showcase your thought leadership.

With key interests in financial and investment services, enterprise technology and software, our audience is highly qualified, position-entitled and future-focused. Backed up by a social media and emailing plan, your content will be broadcasted to the right people at the right time.

Tell us about your needs

The team will take maximum 2 weeks to consider your request, complete the agreement and publish your content.

Prefer reaching out directly? Shoot us an email.