The Blockchain Land


Advertising Opportunities

There are plenty ways of working with us. Here, you have the opportunity to promote your business by advertising on the blockchain Land, and reach the most qualified blockchain audience in the world.


Get your creative banner

Get the blockchain audience to know who you are! We propose several format for advertisement, from mobile formats to standard IAB formats.

Available formats are : 728×90, 300×600, 300×250 pixels to be present on our homepage and blog articles.

Mobile formats: 320×50 pixels.

With the banners on our top crypto-related website, get relevant traffic to your website.


Newsletter Sponsorship

Blockchain enthusiasts love to keep up with their field, hence, the best way is to receive the Blockchain Land’s newsletter. Need to get into relevant audience’s mail box ? You’re certainly in the right place, write us and let us arrange that for you.

So, if you have any question, if you want to discuss creativity and numbers, or if you want to get the best prices in terms of advertising purchase, please email


Event Sponsorships

The Blockchain Group is launching the first official worldwide tour dedicated to business innovation, leaders of all key industries will be coming together for The Blockchain Day in Paris, Singapore and Toronto.

The first Blockchain Day will take place in Paris, October 10 at the Palais Brongniart. The event will gather over 500 people and it will be for sure an unmissable opportunity.

Contact us for more information on partnership and speaking opportunities


Social Media Program

Get the hashtag trending. The Social Media definitely opens the limits of the game and permits you to keep up with your audience or future audience.

Reach out Twitter followers and get Facebook likes through our social media channels. Reach out for for information about pricing and conditions.