The Blockchain Land

It’s Official: Everipedia Debuts and Plans to Reward Users with Crypto Tokens

In a big blow to Wikipedia, the biggest online encyclopedia, its rival Everipedia officially announced that they are going to use EOS.IO technology, which will reward contributors with crypto tokens whenever someone provides or edits an article.

What is Everipedia All About?

Everipedia has branded itself as “the online encyclopedia reinvented for the modern age.” Quite the opposite to Wikipedia, Everipedia plans to provide incentives to the content providers and aims to become a fully-autonomous encyclopedia with no donations and ads.

Dr. Larry Sanger, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Everipedia said, “We are elated to release our minimum viable network which allows users to vote on and create articles in a decentralized manner for the first time.”

It is important to mention here that Sanger co-founded Wikipedia, and is now confidently a part of Wikipedia’s rival. He believes that blockchain will inevitably “disrupt online information.”

To be a contributor in Everipedia, you would need IQ tokens along with an EOS account and vote on According to the data released by Everipedia, users on the network have so far staked 16.8 million IQ.

The online encyclopedia is already providing tough competition to Wikipedia and has 6+ million encyclopedia articles along with millions of monthly active visitors. Additionally, the site witnesses millions of unique visits daily and has more than 8,000 volunteers coming in from a range of channels like Telegram, Facebook, and Reddit.

When did it start?

Everipedia was developed in 2015 as an alternative to Wikipedia by Travis Moore and Mahbod Moghadam and were soon joined by Theodor Forselius and Sam Kazemian.

Meanwhile, the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, said that he has reservations about blockchain, calling it a bubble with a lot of hype. However, it is important to mention here that Wikimedia Foundation, which owns and curates Wikipedia, started accepting bitcoin donations in 2014 after there was enough guidance provided on using bitcoin for tax purposes by the U.S Internal Revenue Service.

All in all, it is exciting to see how Everipedia turns out. The technology’s applications to businesses are evident, yet it poses a considerable amount of transformative value to the way data is managed and displayed. It would not be wrong to conclude that blockchain is all-set to disrupt a range of sectors, one industry at a time!

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